A Brief Introduction


As a young girl, marriage seemed an inevitable end goal, and it was commonplace (almost even required) for myself and my peers to plan elaborate ceremonies and construct detailed lists of requirements for our future spouses. It was easy to discuss becoming someone’s wife, but as I grew older, marriage became more and more of a concern rather than a delight. At the age of 18, when I mention the words “wedding” or “husband,” my friends almost recoil, as though I am spreading some sort of plague and they don’t wish to be infected. Spending your life in a monogamous relationship no longer seems to hold its former appeal, and getting married at my age? It’s considered insane, irresponsible, and destined for disaster.

That being said, I am getting married.

I do not consider myself to be a poor decision maker, nor did I really see myself ever becoming someone’s wife until very recently. I was self-sufficient and independent, and I would take care of myself all while being unbridled and free to flirt with whomever I pleased.

And then I met A.

We have a very untraditional love story, the least aspect of which being our young age (I am only 18, and A is 19.) Very few people know of our impending matrimony as it has not yet been publicly announced, but it seems that those who do know are split: many of them believe us to be “the perfect couple,” but many of them also openly call us fools for “tying ourselves down so quickly.” While I can see where they are coming from, I believe A and myself to be anything but stupid: we are in love.

And our love is very, very real.

I guess the purpose behind creating this blog is to alleviate many of the frustrations that I feel as a young bride-to-be, and to also keep all of my scattered wedding thoughts organized in one place. I want to be able to reveal my life and my dreams without shame—because, after all, each of you is a faceless username on a computer screen, and you cannot truly harm me.


I want to be able to share my happiness and to alleviate the fears of girls like me (because I am still very much a girl, not yet fully a woman) regarding marriage, or even long-term relationships. Maybe even relationships in general! It’s true that my life does not revolve around A, but he is a large part of it, and will only take over more next year (our date is set for October 3, 2015.) I honestly just want to be able to vent, and this blog provides me with that opportunity, and I hope that I can help someone out there, somehow.

That’s all I have for this introduction. My next post will give some more background information into myself and into A, and the one following it will hopefully detail more of our love story, but I don’t know what kind of schedule I’m going to be on here. There will be times when I cluster post and times I go without posting for a bit, so please forgive me, dear readers! I hope you’ll all remain for this crazy journey of love and life.